Tag: J.L. Greger

  • Books Make Great Gifts

    Books Make Great Gifts

    by J. L. Greger Now for a really big mystery – what will you buy as gifts for relatives and friends this summer? There are so many holidays – Father’s Day, graduations, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, family reunions… You don’t want to give candy to overweight (perhaps diabetic) relatives and friends. Flowers can be so expensive,…

  • What Are Women in Science Like?

    by J.L. Greger Scientists are required to submit a full disclosure of their biases when they submit a manuscript for review. Their disclosures are brief because editors charge researchers (or at least the agencies supporting the research) page charges. Here’s mine: My novel Coming Flu (published in July 2012 by Oak Tree Press) is a…

  • Author Interview: J. L. Greger

    Author Interview: J. L. Greger

    Are you ready for the Coming Flu? J. L. Greger’s new medical thriller Coming Flu describes the potential effects of a truly virulent flu. A new flu strain – the Philippine flu – kills more than 200 residents of a small walled community in less than a week. The live vaccine for this flu is…